Entries by Pastor David Myers

Not in 50 Years

In 1967 a small group of people came together and started a church in Palm Bay.  Just up the road at Kennedy Space Center, the best and brightest minds in America were trying to put a man on the moon.  Both groups were successful.  One group planted a flag on the moon.  The other group […]

Joy To The World

Joy to the World!  A song that is sung by many in the month of December.  An expression that permeates cultures, nations, and partisanship.  Everyone with even a minimal sense of civility seems to endorse peace and joy to all.  Peace is popular, and joy is encouraged in secular and religious circles alike. The quest […]

A Christian’s response to the Presidential election

The 2016 presidential election season has been like driving past a car wreck on the interstate. You know it is going to be destructive and harmful, but you can’t help looking. The inundation of news from all of the media outlets that modern technology affords us has put each of us in the crosshairs of […]

The Joy of Giving

I was aware as a boy that the Bible said something about “it is better to give than to receive,” but I am not sure if I believed it.  The idea that giving something away would somehow be better than receiving it was not a concept that I was able to get my brain around. […]

Trickle Down Freedom

As a young boy, my concept of freedom was when the school bell rang, and classes were dismissed. We were free to play ball and visit our friends. The greatest threat to our freedom was the idea that parents and school officials could set rules and laws requiring us to be in school. At the […]

The Marriage of Church and State

The church and the state have attempted to live together for more than 240 years in America.  Like a good marriage, one could argue that they need each other.  Unlike a good marriage, we pretend that they don’t influence each other.  Occasionally, they come together to have a dinner or an event and hope and […]

The Easter Rabbit 

I was ten years old, and my father pastored a small church on the East end of Palm Bay Road.  Easter was approaching and to promote a record attendance my dad offered a free rabbit to everyone that brought a visitor.  It seems that someone associated with the church had offered us a bundle of […]

My summer with Antonin Scalia

Attending law school and pursuing a Jurist doctorate has many challenges, but also many rewards.  One high point that stands out in my mind occurred in the spring of 1998 when I received a letter in the mail from the University of San Diego. I had been fortunate in the summer of 1997 to be […]

Thank You For Your Book “ReEntry”

Dear Pastor David Myers, I want to thank you for your book, ReEntry. One of the members of your church gave my son a copy of your book. I was given the book to read from my son. A couple of years ago he was on his bicycle and was hit by a truck and […]